Revised Camera Volume Demo
By: Sara Asmussen (Programmer) We found that combining all of our old camera volumes into one makes the new master volume more flexible and easier to iterate on. So going… Read more
Nov 13, 2019: Camera Focus Target Test
A video showcasing the different angles the camera adjusts to according to directional input and environmental features.
Nov 12, 2019: New Climb Animation
A new climbing mechanic and animation. This allows up to expand the space to test other mechanics.
First and Third Person Camera
This gives a brief introduction to how to use the first person and third person cameras.
Quest System Setup
Here is how to set up a quest using the content folder, details panel, and world outline.
Adding Audio to a Blueprint (pt. 1)
Simple 2D audio implementation tutorial. You will learn how to add a simple audio functionality to your blueprints using Apollo system.